segunda-feira, 29 de junho de 2015

Group 1: An overview of James Joyce's 'Eveline'

Title: Eveline
Author: James Joyce
Year of Publication: 1917


The story takes place in Dublin. Eveline starts the story recollecting her time in the neighborhood with nostalgia. Every little detail of her surroundings - and of her house - is now extra meaningful to her given that she is about to elope the city with her sweetheart Frank.


  • Main Characters: 

             Eveline Hill: She is the main character of the story. She works hard to make ends meet, but her father is very abusive and forces to give him all the money she makes. She lives a miserable life and hopes she will see a change in her life soon.

             Frank: He is the sailor for whom Eveline falls in love and may be her passport to a new life.

  •  Secondary characters
            Ernest: He is Eveline's brother, who died as an infant. 

            Tizzie Dunn: She is Eveline's mother, who died when Eveline was a child. Eveline has promised she would keep the house together. 

            Harry: He is the Eveline's brother who works with the ornaments of the church. Due to his line of work, he is constantly away from his family, but helps them financially the best he can.

            Eveline's father: During Eveline's childhood he was a good man, but after Eveline's mother died, he started being abusive to her, which is one of the reasons why she wants her life to change. 

Plot Summary:

'Eveline' tells us the story of Eveline Hill, a 19-year-old woman whose life has become restricted to a job she does not enjoy as a store clerk and to household duties towards her drunk father and young siblings that curb her existence as an individual human being.

Struggling to find happiness, she plans to flee with her sweetheart Frank, who is a well-traveled sailor, to Buenos Aires. She imagines that away from Dubin (which she thinks of as a socially oppressive place), married, she will finally experience happiness, love and respect. However, Eveline starts second guessing herself after she recollects the promise she made to her mother alongside her mother's death scene.

As a result, when she is about to board the ship, she is suddenly paralyzed by fear of the unknown and remains on land, unable to make a move. As Frank insists on her joining him on the ship, "She set her white pale face to him, passive, like a helpless animal. Her eyes gave him no sign of love or farewell or recognition." (D 40-41). As her mother before her, she cannot escape from Dublin merciless paralysis.


The symbols are 'the window' and 'the sea': they both represent a transition in Eveline's life.

The window represents the transition between her past and her present. She sat at the window watching the evening and the people walking down the street, She thinks about the changes that have occured in her life. The childhood that she and her siblings had when their mother was still alive.

The ship represents the transition between her present and her future. When she is in the harbor and sees the sea, she ponders over the possibilities that the future may bring to her, It is the fear of the unknown versus the comodity of sticking to what is well-known, bearable even with its hardships.


There are two epiphanies in this short story:

The first one occurs when she hears the sound of an organ. She recollects her life when her mother was still alive, her relationship with her family and the promise she made to her mother, but it also reminded her of the difficult live she is having. In horror, she decides she needs to change her life, run away so as to have a happy life.

The second epiphany occurs when she's in the North Wall of the harbor and sees the sea. In this moment, she reflects upon the changes that may occur in her life whether she decides to go with Frank on the trip. The ship seems to be the promise of a new life of hope. On the other hand, wht may happen is still unknown. Faced with this excruciating dilemma, she gets scared and decides to stay with the safest option.

6 comentários:

  1. Interpretation (an personal reaction) to the short story:

    According to the material I have read about James Joyce, it seems that he developed a concept of 'paralysis' throughout his work, which stands for the moral and intellectual aura surrounding Dublin, making all Dubliners victims of the self-defeated life in the city. This same paralysis appears in the final part of 'Eveline', as she refrains to board on the ship. For me, what Joyce is trying to say is that all human beings yearn to leave their own places of paralysis. It seems like every single person feels that, in order to live fully, they should leave their own place of paralysis, be that an external or an internal one. However, they (we) are never determined enough to do so. It is an eternal struggle between escape and resignation. In a nutshell, even though the story takes place in Dublin, it is universal and speaks to us all as human beings who come through a similar situation sooner or later in life. Besides, considering that this short story is part of the adolescence segment of 'Dubliners' (and Eveline herself is facing a period of transition in her life as she is coming of age) it may also represent the insecurities we all feel as teenagers in a society that demands us to grow up even when we are still not ready for it.

  2. My personal reaction to the short story
    The short story Eveline James Joyce tells a story of a girl, who lost her mother e and promise her to take care of her brothers and father. She is a strong girl who faces the difficulties of having a bad father, the distance from her brother and the fact of having to work and give all the money she earns to his father to help with the household expenses in order to keep her promise.
    Eveline sees in Frank, a sailor with whom she is in love, the chance to change her life. To leave behind the anxieties that lives and seeks a fresh start seeking her happiness.
    At the same time she fears that unknown and what he can bring to it. Recalling what she feels, she would feel the lack of his family and her promise to her mother to take care of her family, Eveline gives up to go with Frank and stays home with his family.
    Often we are so accommodated with what we have, we fear going out in search of something new. We are afraid to "go to sea" and see where that takes us. The Eveline's short story shows that sometimes the big changes we want, the courage we need to find our happiness are right in front of us, but for fear of unknown, we lose the chance to change or to be happy.

  3. My personal interpretation about short story:
    The tale of Joyce, "Eveline" which is the same name as the protagonist "Eveline Hill" that portrays the daily life of many people. The frustrations of life, anguish with the miserable life, disappointments. The father of abuse in wanting to reprimand her, to oblige it to give all her salary and the prohibition of seeing the sailor Frank, who is the love of her life, thereby making so think of escape with her love for Buenos Aires where would house and probably very different from what she is used to it life, but on the other hand we see the end of the story it does not travel with him, because it is anxious to leave her father and her brother back, even with the abuse and every bond it, it was already used with her life that in any case was a certainty, as opposed to travel with him it was an uncertain happiness because she did not know right. Joyce wanted to establish a connection withhis readers, who certainly faced the same situations depicted on the tale. the ordinary and monotonous routine of everyday life as well as her inability to make decisions.

  4. James Joyce wrote a short-story about a girl sat at a window thinking about her life, her childhood, and how everything changed through time, she also began to think about her current life, about her promise to her mother to remain at home, but, she thought about the sad life of her mother, and began to consider to get away secretly with her lover to live in Buenos Aires, she thought that Frank (her lover) would save her, free her from that fate,at the same time she wanted that life, cleaning and cooking did not seemed so bad, anyway, she decides to fled with Frank. At the Dublin's dock she gave up to travel, she could not left her land, her destiny was there. The James Joyce's character Eveline represents our fear to take decisions, our awe about the unknown, to leave our confort zone, thus condemning us to a worthless life.

  5. The story talks about a phase of life in which everyone's a day. The idea of suffering, but not being able/want to venture out when appears the opportunity. The difficulty that Eveline passes, being unjustly extorted by her father and still have to take care of everyone in the house, makes us think a little in life. Eveline is a young girl and at that age you want to explore the world, knows news things, etc., but for the promise made to his mother, she gives uo the idea to take care of the brother and father. Along comes Frank, they fall in love and she sees in him a chance to get rid of all this responsibility and enjoy life with the loved one, but she stop before boarding it makes us thinking that we fear, as my friends already talked above, afraid to leave their area of comfort (in her case without comfort, but to fulfill the promise) and face the unknown keeps us from growing, to gain experience, to do good to ourselves.

  6. My interpretation about the short-story” Eveline” by James Joyce is that everybody looking for change in life, but when it appears an opportunity to change, our fears attack us because we do not know what to expect of what is new, what is unknown, whence many people get carried away by fear and remain in life that they are accustomed. Above all, to build a future, we need to let go things of past. It was precisely what happened to Eveline, whatever she wanted to get rid of bad life she had with her father, she was afraid of life that she would lead beside Frank, and then she clung on good past memories, and she decided to continue the life that she was already accommodated, and fulfill with the desire of her mother in taking care of the house. Overall, I think Eveline not truly loved Frank, she only saw him as a refuge, if she loved truly, she would have faced your fears.


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